It often happens that after several hours spent diligently scrubbing the windows, the seemingly perfectly polished glass still shows such annoying streaks of deposits. What are we doing wrong if the result is already disappointing and not worth the invested effort? In this article, we will analyze the most common mistakes made when washing windows and learn how to avoid them.

Window washing is a very time-consuming and not very pleasant job that should be done at least twice a year. In order for the result to be as expected and to please us for more than a few days, we should avoid popular mistakes when washing windows.

Inappropriate inventory

Choosing the necessary equipment for window washing is a responsible task. By choosing the right helpers, the work will be done much faster and the process will be much more pleasant. It is not advisable to use abrasive sponges for glass cleaning, which can leave scratches on the glass, as well as knives and sharp objects to remove stuck dirt. Old newspapers, rags, toilet paper, paper towels - these "gadgets" for cleaning glass often not only do not help to properly clean debris from the glass, but even leave stains on it.

Microfiber cloths are an excellent choice for cleaning glass, they help to avoid streaks and do not leave lint on the glass. Although many people still use old-fashioned window cleaning methods, it is worth considering buying a telescopic window brush or a rechargeable vacuum window cleaner, which does not leave water droplets and annoying streaks on the glass surface, and will be useful for polishing not only windows, but also mirrors, tiles and shower cabins.

Incorrect cleaning products

It is very important to choose the right means for refreshing windows. The best choice is mild cleaners designed specifically for glass. It is not recommended to use products containing abrasive particles, gasoline, acetone, as well as various solvents for washing windows, as these types of products can scratch the glass and damage its structure.

Don't skimp when using a cleaning product! In order to thoroughly clean the dirt, do not be afraid to spray the product in sufficient quantity or even repeatedly, because it is precisely because of too much economy that the windows may still be streaked after washing.

Improper washing technique

Many, wanting to save time, immediately get down to business: dip a sponge in a foam solution, rub the windows with it, and then try to polish them. This approach can make the job much longer and also less effective, because all the dirt will simply be smeared on the glass. First of all, remove everything that can interfere with the work from the window sills. If the upholstered furniture is close to the windowsill, move it back or cover it with a film.

Before wet washing, dry dirt and dust are first cleaned from the windows with a dry microfiber cloth - moreover, both from the inside and the outside, and only then the glass is washed. If the windows have not been cleaned for a long time and a "cultural layer" has accumulated on them, a vacuum cleaner with a suitable nozzle is used for dry cleaning, but a brush with a telescopic handle can be used in hard-to-reach places.

Wash only glasses

Some still mistakenly believe that the window cleaning process is limited to washing the glass, although the list of tasks is much more extensive.

It is very important to thoroughly wash the frames and window sills, and for plastic windows, all drainage holes where dirt and moisture accumulate must be cleaned and washed. It is also necessary to carefully scrub the places of the glass joints (for this purpose, it is convenient to use a toothbrush that has served its time). In addition, the window frames must be washed before the glasses. Washing the frames after the glass has been polished will be like washing the floors and then dusting them.

Wash all windows in one day

Of course, if the apartment is small and only two or three windows need to be washed, this work can undoubtedly be done in one go. But if the house is wide enough or even has several floors, it is worth dividing the work into several stages, for example, washing the windows in one of the rooms every day. In this way, you will definitely get the job done more efficiently and not get too tired.

Chaotic washing

Glass requires special treatment - washing by chaotically rubbing the cloth on all sides will not allow you to achieve the desired result and will leave more or less visible streaks on the glass. Glass surfaces should always be washed from top to bottom, directing dirt and foam from top to bottom. This is how windows should be cleaned at every work stage - from dry to wet cleaning.

In order to avoid floods of water and detergent during the window washing process, a very convenient solution is a vacuum window cleaner, which perfectly collects excess moisture and even makes cleaning a very exciting event.

Window washing in sunny weather

We often wait for warm and sunny weather to start washing windows, but it would be more correct to choose a cloudy day without precipitation and wind for this work. The bright sun will heat up the glass, drying any cleaning agent in an instant. Goodbye, shiny windows, hello, streaks! The wind will also have a similar effect. Therefore, on sunny days, instead of washing windows, it is better to enjoy relaxation in nature.

It turns out that impeccably clean windows are not an impossible mission. It is enough to follow a few simple rules, avoid typical mistakes and choose the right equipment, which will make this work much easier, faster and more pleasant.